8 12

Are you kidding me? A golden coach? They look like a bunch of drunk assholes at a halloween party. And the citizens have to pay for this self-exaltation?

TheoryNumber3 8 May 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I dare say I would rather have a non-partisan constitutional monarch as Head of State than Trump who could be the next US President possibly issuing executive orders from prison. Lol

Ryo1 Level 8 May 7, 2023

Someone will have to explain to me some day how another trump presidency is even a remote possibility with all the crimes and misdemeanors he's being charged with.


Today the UK was the laughing stock of the planet along with Americans who got up early to specifically watch this nonsense. Total morons. Every one of them.


It was very colorful, but puzzled at why the King and Queen needed the long trains on their robes and how much help they needed just to walk and read their lines. Seemed to me to portray a bit of feebleness.

I also was struck at how most of the people in the procession walked very smoothly and straight, while the King and Queen seemed to wobble and amble a bit side to side with their gait. I guess that show they are human, but curious why all the heavy costuming, when the thing could have been done with lighter, more comfortable clothing. (Me being practical.)

It was all very fabulous, but I can imagine that a bit more scaling down on some of the garb for future coronations, but William and Kate will likely be younger and will be able to carry the weight more athletically perhaps.

I can see holding up traditions is important and drastic changes to the routine might not be tolerated well, but also seeing this huge expense for a 7 hour ordeal is a bit much for the common people who are scraping by paycheck to paycheck.

Julie, I think it's because those crowns are extremely heavy and they were terrified of toppling over.

This coronation tradition goes back to 1066 when the first coronation was documented; the coronation of William I. Even British republicans acknowledge the importance of this event which is non-partisan and has the unifying effect on the entire British nation which is usually a rather unceremonious nation. Without being patronising, I can see that it would be hard for anyone to understand what goes on in the UK, including this apparently bizarre coronation ceremony, if their country does not have a similar history...

This article explains rather well about what republicans understand about monarchy:[]


i believe that coach was bought and paid for several centuries ago.......with money at 1/100th of todays money.

Then they should melt it down and cut taxes 🙂

"Bought"is probably not the right word, either. Let's just say they took possession of it.



Ryo1 Level 8 May 6, 2023

A gold coach, with air-con and hydraulic damped suspension.


Royals. . . . . . . .ugh !!!


I hope they enjoyed themselves....they've waited long enough and put up with enough, haven't they? Now, let's see what king "I just want to be your tampon and live in your knickers" does to justify all this hooplah.

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