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LINK BPD: 8 dead, 10 injured when SUV strikes crowd near migrant shelter | KVEO-TV

I noticed FoxNews shut up on their tired narrative about the undocumented immigrant that murdered 5 other undocumented immigrants in Texas once this story broke. (Yes, unsealed probably cause Affidavits, police reports, and suspect information detail this was a targeted hate crime by a white nationalist extremist/MAGA Loyalist. His details are to be released later today or tomorrow.)

One comment that pretty much sums up Gregg Abbott and his clan:

“While the incident is still under investigation, there is no doubt that our state’s leaders are painting a target on migrants’ backs. Political actors — who just want to score points with the absolute worst fringes of society — are ginning people up and getting them to hate their fellow brothers and sisters, and turning human being against human being,” Hinojosa said in a statement.

SeaGreenEyez 9 May 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Republiscum have been at this for about 50 years. Glad to see some folks are finally waking up.


For those who demonize the "other" for power and control, the medium has changed over time but human nature has not. Abbott is a loathsome creature and tarnishes all the good people in Texass.


Where's Gov. Abbott when you need him.. this is a sad commentary on the state of Taxass,and our Country, when support of Hate and Violence is the Only way to get elected as a Rethuglican..
Gov Abbott was found at press Confrence in a wheelchair announcing his latest bright idea..the creation of the Texas Border Tactical Force..brilliant, no?

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