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LINK Christian Nationalists are embracing the Christian Nationalist label

Christian conspiracy theorist Sean Feucht freely admits "we want Christians to be writing the laws of the land"

(Follow link for photos and video that accompany article.)

“We want Christians to be writing the laws of the land according to the Word of God,” writes Christian Nationalist Sean Feucht in a new piece for Charisma. Rather than disavow the label as something pejorative and unfair, he’s fully leaning into the notion that Christians like him should be in charge of government and creating rules that benefit only his tribe.

To which I can only say… great. Thank you for admitting it. It’s always helpful when Christian Nationalists openly admit their desire to live in a theocracy.

It’s not Feucht’s first time doing this, either. He’s spent the past few months echoing this extreme rhetoric to the people showing up at his events, often alongside right-wing politicians and organizations.

The issue here isn’t that he’s a Christian who thinks society would be better off adopting Christian beliefs. That’s basically how all religions work. What’s troubling about his comments is that Feucht (which aptly rhymes with “exploit&rdquo😉 believes his specific brand of Christianity should become law and that everyone who disagrees isn’t just wrong, but an enemy of his fantasy world.

That’s not me saying it. I’m just paraphrasing what he’s already said:

Perspective changes when the political issues of the age are properly framed into a spiritual context. The transgender movement? Rebellion against, "male and female He created them." Homosexuality? Rebellion against, "a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh."

We have seen a clear unveiling of the secular progressive agenda over America: abortion on demand up until the moment of birth, the normalization of pedophilia and child sexualization and the castration of perfectly healthy children in the name of "gender-affirming care." This the fruit of anti-Christian leaders employing and legislating dark agendas over our nation.

It is not controversial for us to boldly declare that we want Christians to be writing the laws of the land according to the Word of God.

What’s unsaid in his piece is who would suffer at the hands of this Christian ruling class.

There is no place for Muslims, Jews, Hindus, or atheists in his ideal world. They could exist, sure, but their religious needs would never be treated on the same level as a Christian’s wants.

There would be no room for progressive Christians, either. Feucht doesn’t see them as real Christians, anyway. People who are LGBTQ wouldn’t be tolerated. Preachers’ daughters in need of an abortion would be screwed. Those who went outside the boundaries he’s created in his mind would automatically be declared “groomers.”

In that sense, he’s repeating what conspiracy theorist Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said last year: “We should be Christian nationalists.” She even sold shirts to that effect:

snytiger6 9 May 9

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And those Looney Toons show be committed to nearest mental health facility.


Doesn't surprise me at all, they are shameless and arrogant. Plus, they know that in America, the Christian label still carries with it an assumption of being righteous and morally superior to others who are not religious, even tho we all know better than that...

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