(I think there is an argument that if alcohol sales can be banned for persons under age 21 for purposes of public safety, then it is reasonable to expect that gun sales may also be banned. This is especially true when the harm from alcohol is mostly self harm, while the harm from guns mostly hurts persons other than the one using the gun.)
A federal judge in Virginia has ruled that a law banning licensed federal firearms dealers from selling handguns to young adults under 21 violates the Second Amendment and is unconstitutional
I find the liberal willingness to take away the rights of people based on age (or anything at all, really) disturbing. I know it seems justifiable, in some greater good kind-of-way, but that's a kind of fool's gold. Rights are indelible and those for self-defense from ruthless animals who know no restrictions (in some cases which do not make themselves obvious to the rest of us) have no age limit. The issue does expose a greater callousness among liberals to their own inevitable extremisms, I think, so ought to be considered while high, and in a bathtub. I will fight liberal extremism when it becomes an actual negative for society but, for now, it gets my vote. Warts and all.
Most of the "ruthless animals" are under age 25.
I have no problems with gun responsible ownership. The key word being responsible. Of the people I know who own guns, many have never actually fired a gun, let alone practiced or drilled with it, and it seems only law enforcement officers bother to properly store weapons safely, and not even all of them do so.
In my view, some rights some with responsibilities, and if gun owners aren't responsible about the guns they own, then it doesn't make society safer, but more dangerous.
@snytiger6 I find plenty of folks over 25 to be more ruthless than the current crop of humans. Most of the insurgents were over 25, I think. I don't like guns and, for most of my life, believed they should be banned but that's not how I see them now. The Right to own them is in our constitution so Americans can do so and that's the only thing that matters. Yes, they should be more responsible about it but few are responsible with speech, either, so abuse of the Right doesn't end it. It would in my nation but States Of America was founded before The O.K. Corral ended open carry so we have to live or die with them. I'm fine with dying. This nation is arguably the best on Earth and it's pathetic so humans can bow out anytime we're ready, IMO.