WARNING! This get's a little gruesome. I just woke up screaming. I haven't woken up screaming since I was....God I don't even know when. I had a dream where a pack of bears was chasing me around my camp. I ended up falling out of the tree as the group of bears started feasting on my face, legs, and arms. I'm 50 years old, and I'm glad I didn't have a lot to drink last night because I would have wet myself lol.
Wow, not just one but a whole pack of them? That's gruesome.
I dunno ... like your subconscious telling you something that your conscious isn't paying attention to? Have you been under a lot of stress lately? Because that dream has a crazy high level of stress.
Yeah, it's been a wild ride for the past few months. I'm sure that's related. It's probably both of my ex-wives and my recent ex-girlfiend LOL. All three pulled some pretty underhanded things on me. I thought I had released any resentment but who knows, it might not have anything to do with them.
Yes, in that they could reflect your reaction to recent events or how you feel about what's going on in your life. My unprofessional opinion is you are feeling out of control regarding something or overwhelmed.
There is something I learned to do when I was in my 20's. When I was in an uncomfortable dream I would become conscious enough to take control of the dream and create a different ending. Anyone can do this and then it somewhat translates into real life allowing you to feel and perhaps actually be more in control of your own life.
I think some dreams can have meanings, but that these meanings are not always clear or straightforward, rather they are figurative, metaphorical. Some dreams are more like a rebus, where the images have to puzzled out in which words are represented by combinations of pictures.
Sounds a lot like the Bible to me. Are you saying my dreams are like stories in the Bible. What is written doesn't really mean what it says, kinda like God's endorsement of saves where he says you can own slaves and beat them as long as they don't die in two days is actually God telling his followers that slavery is immoral?
@paul1967 No, rather it's a take-off on Freud. He thought the unconscious was dynamically structured, and its content accessible in dreams. Jack Lacan picked up on this but he thought that the unconscious rather than being dynamically structured is structured more like a language, and the task of the interpenetrating dreams becomes trying to un-puzzle their grammar.
However, I do like your interpretation of the meaning behind biblical stories, which of course had human writers who were trying to explain things are as they are and what people ought to do to be saved.
@cava I was really just picking fun at how the Bible says one thing and Christians pick the obviously immoral stuff and act as if what it says isn't what it means. They do all sorts of mental gymnastics to avoid saying "well, yeah, God's wrong about this" they can't allow God to be wrong or immoral even when he obviously is. But I appreciate your help and it was very interesting
Yes I do believe dreams have meanings, but hose meanings can vary.
Sometimes it is subconscious turmoil attempting to resolve itself, sometimes wish fulfilment fantasy.
With me if I have a cold or flu, I have nightmares such as you describe, which I assume is symbolic of the fight between the disease and the anti-bodies of my immune system.
Without knowing more about you life and current situation, I would not hazard to guess at an interpretation.
Well there is plenty going on or at least there has been, but the bulk of it is now in the past.