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Mother Earth

Recently I've heard people mention wildfires and other natural events. It makes them feel sad. Understand that first of all the news of these natural events for the most part are fed to you. If you unplugged you'd know nothing of them. Understand that mother earth can and does take very good care of herself for millions of years. You have a brain and can think. Other animals have brains, etc. What do you suppose the odds are that Mother Earth has a brain? She's pretty big so a brain could be anywhere or throughout. Trust me, she takes care of herself.

We must always be aware of whether we are helping our mother or interfering with her. Our men and woman that take care of nature understand this. They understand how to blend nature and humanity together for mutual benefit. There are many who do this. Thank them and let them know you appreciate what they do for our mother and us.

FvckY0u 8 Aug 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Your self-righteous bullshit is amazing. You probably chose "FuckYou" as your site name because it was said to you for so long and so often throughout your life, you finally said, l think l will adopt FuckYou as my nom de plume. Good choice. 🙃

I'm not upset, just pointing out what a boorish asshole you are, and pointing out how tend to talk down to pretty much everyone here. 😁

@FvckY0u I do listen to you, not impressed. You talk alot but say very little. Try reversing that.

@FvckY0u 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You are so full of yourself and full of shit at the same time. You should be pretty, pretty full by now.


Are you serious? Here's the truth....human beings have screwed up this perfectly adapted system of evolution/environments and ecosystems to the point of almost total unredeemability.

Will the earth go on? Sure...not question.

Have we carelessly sacrificed billions of animals/ecosystems/oceans, etc. due to greed and ignorance?
Oh yes!

Imagine the situation...millions of people around the world are now refugees because their homes are underwater and they've no food or dry land. Where will they go? Texas? Florida? I don't bloody think so.

Because millions of acres of previously healthy agricultural land are now fallow, food supplies around the planet are disrupted and millions are starving. Where will they go?

Because climate change has disrupted food production around the planet, people are fighting to obtain food for their families. What will the rest of us do?

There are days when I wish I could believe karma is a real thing....we deserve the worst possible fate. And I'm very sure we'll see it. Unfortunately for the rest of species on the globe...who don't deserve any of it....they're doomed.

It'll take a million years for life to recover here. But..the oligarchs don't give a shit because they're living the good life now.

@FvckY0u As an environmental scientist and educator....I laugh at your ignorance. Don't bother replying..I don't feed trolls.


R u for real ?
Actually , I don’t even care if u are or not , I am still gonna tell u this :
Natural catastrophes or such , impact humans . People who walk / talk / work / drive / and their kids . Do u have any idea how people who are affected by fires or earthquakes or floading feel ? They lose everything . They live in shelters . Do u understand the stress ?
Yeah I wanna know . Bcz I wanna help if I am able . When Katrina happen back in 2005 , a bunch of us went there for months . According to u , we shouldn’t worry or even been informed of other peoples misfortunes . This is not about Mother Earth and papa whatever , this is about people like u and me who have bills to pay , medications to take , and kids to console . I thought I was an Asshole , which is pretty true , but u can have my crown man, wtf is wrong w u ?

Your observations and story are insightful and, as always, demonstrates what a rare and valuable person you are.

I could add a plethora of scientific facts and pick apart the face - palm worthy rantings of the beginning of this thread but the responses he/she/they have presented demonstrate such endeavors would be a waste of my time.

Try to see it as a variation of intelligence. In this case, it seems to take a particular perspective wherein FvchYOu suggests we should focus much more internally, perhaps to control our reactions to the outside world. You have a very different focus, perhaps one that focuses on helping others and gaining satisfaction from the empathy where suffering is relieved. It is intriguing to consider that the 'choice' of perspective affects seemingly moral values. How does one discuss the sense of empathy with one who is devoted to internal functioning? The perspectives we embrace sets us up to be who we appear to be.

@FvckY0u Thank you for your reply. Reading your post produced a pleasant trip down Memory lane.

I remember this time like it was yesterday. My father (a school band director) and the local high school music teacher used a chartered buss and took a group of high school students to Arrowhead Music Camp in Minnesota. My mother, brother and I also rode on the bus.

That camp was fantastic; Not only the hours of concert band music, but the lake; dark water at that time sadly choked with a excess algae and weeds necessitated those managing the lake resort to a using a large craft they to cut the weeds growing from the lake’s bed and harvested huge piles of unwanted plant matter.

Why would your post bring up this place?

It was almost a magical night. There was a small bonfire of twigs and logs by the lake. It was the night before we all left the camp and I joined a group of somewhat older kids around the fire. I can still smell the smoke and richness of the lake, hear the cackling of the flames, and see the embers float up into a dark sky with sharp stars piercing the blackness where smoke and flames were not in in the line of sight. We sat around the flames and talked for hours. I lead the discussion with stories rich with the similar talking points you just presented to me. I felt a sense of power and importance; to be an authoritative influence on the minds of those about me: Knowing and presenting stories I knew were true beyond the scope of demonstrable, testable fact based reality.

You see, looking back I can honestly first hand relate to your current posed position. There was a time when I stood with the same mindset you presented. I was, at that time, intellectually where you are now. On the trip home after that night I reflected on the events of the night by the bonfire and became remorseful. The grim realization that I had likely helped guide other minds down a deceptive rabbit hole that did not adequately analyze reality and question baseless assertions, all for the the pleasure of presenting myself as an authority of extravagant claims not based in reality, as a part of our reality.

Today I stopped by my mother’s house and asked her what year we stayed at the music camp. It was the summer of 1969. I had yet to celebrated my 6th birthday. Yes, I am sorry I (for that short time) asserted such childish viewpoints but I grew out of that phase. From that time forward, I work to openly present demonstrable facts and question baseless assertions.

Thanks again for the fun trip down memory lane. I hope you can grow, as I did, to recognize the beauty of reality over fantastic.

If you do manage to honestly and accurately evaluate where you are today, and suffer the realization and foul taste of what you are promoting, don’t look down at yourself. I know a few very bright people who had a similar awakening. An old friend who is an X- Mormon has told me of how he deeply regrets his time as a missionary; the damage to others he had done promoting faith (belief without evidence) over facts (demonstrable). How he now is an active participant on the Mormon (underground railroad) where he and others help those who leave the church - (Bad Experience) Another Youtuber who also matured into skepticism that I used to talk to online is Edward Tarte) He spent about 5 years as a Catholic Priest before he figured it was all BS and left the clergy. His Youtube videos about the church are worth watching. He helped me de-convert a Catholic.

@FvckY0u I speak and promote truth.

@FvckY0u You really don't get it? Really? Based on the position you are asserting you are now where I was at age 5, not 6. I can not definitively assert you have the same motivation or mindset as I did as a child but we when I was a child, we spoke the same BS: I felt the power of authority at the expense of truth. Your original response was in the spirit and almost a direct quote to the bullshit I pulled as a child. I grew up. I don't think you have the bravery to do the same. You appear to be as good at math as you are at truth. Let me try to explain age 5 math to you. If I had not yet had my 6th birthday, my age is less then 6 so we hold up six fingers and take one or more away. How many fingers do I still have? In this case, I was 5 years old. How can you even miss that? Don't bother answering. Sadly, you have, as anticipated, demonstrated my first observation about your posts: i.e. not worth replying. I don't know if you are delusional or just dishonest but you have demonstrated you really are not worth my time. My reply to you was not an effort to try to change you into an honest or intellectual individual. My reply was to provide comedy relief to one or two others on this website.

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