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Pizza Hut’s new Hawaiian style pizza

Trolling 5 Aug 18

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I have friends on Maui going through hell right now. Tragedies are not amusing.

Everything can be laughed at.
How many of the Millionaire’s mansions, condos, and beach houses burned up???

@Esprit_de_Corp Over 1000 people died. I don't care of they were rich or poor. It's still not funny.


And it’s only a little over 100

@Esprit_de_Corp Oh well then. NBD

@TheoryNumber3 They got the leadership that they voted for too.

@Esprit_de_Corp Some time when you have a moment, try growing a heart.

Regardless of the size of my heart, they got the leadership and wildlife management practices that they voted for. You can’t paint your house black, bitch about it, and then paint it black again and continue to whine about it. Votes carry consequences, especially continued bad ones.


Should not be funny, buuuuuuuuut ... 😅👍

Mark Twain 'Humor is tragedy plus time.'


Not funny.


silly? fun? How about morbid and in bad taste?

lerlo Level 8 Aug 18, 2023

Not a fan of pineapple on your pizza I assume?




not funny.

Hahaha. Yeah it is.

@Esprit_de_Corp no its not. it's more like your heart.

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