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A hard to explain & refute opinion until you understand & stop denying the utter corruption of the so called American Democrats.

We’re all living in Trump’s world, and there’s no escape []

FrayedBear 9 Aug 30

Enjoy being online again!

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When youve done a deep dive into a cult of ignorance its apparent you would see it that way...... Bless your little heart

Crikey! Is yours sarcasm or a curse like that of xtians saying that they prayed for you to recover from a broken leg?


If you think you understand American Democrats, please explain them.

Only takes one word - "CORRUPT".


I would argue that Trump is a symptom not the disease
The rise of fascism, even covert fascism as it is this time, always produces monsters like Trump and his ilk.
They raise to the top like shit in a sewer.

Depends on what was eaten. I think infact the turds that float are those that are vegan.


I don't see anything in that article that relates to the corruption of democrats...

The thing that article highlights the most is that Republicans are stupid as fuck and still support a man even when everything about him runs counter to what they purport to stand for.


@Esprit_de_Corp nice sarcasm.

Pity that you cannot read & comprehend my introduction. When you lose your delusion you may understand.

It’s truthful rather than sarcasm.

@Esprit_de_Corp Dictionary
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the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
"she didn't like the note of sarcasm in his voice"

Don't see anything suggesting that sarcasm excludes truth.


Quit posting your political shit in General and Hellos!

Oh look. An OCD telling me how to live my life but she is unable to intelligently contribute to the discussion because of the bullshit propaganda that she has been exposed to all her life. Perhaps facing reality will help you escape your anxiety. Much of it may be caused through your subconscious recognising but mistakingly not letting your conscious mind recognise that many of the beliefs that you hold are not true\ correct being the product of others manipulating your conscious mind. Eschew the US government's propaganda that you, your parents & grandparents have all been inculcated with all your lives.

By the way do you think that tattoos make you look more attractive & intelligent or simply result in others saying "what message\ information is this person trying to share with me as they know that I'm not a mind reader nor studied in their field of obscurity so I'll give them a cartoon book to read on my skin\ drive them away\ welcome me into the gang?"

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