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can anyone think of something older and/or more universal than the nod or shake of the head? not smiles or screams, but the simplist of communications. that up and down vs. sideways might matter in ways we don't notice. ✌️

hankster 9 Aug 31

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It is not universal

thank you. interesting.


I don't know, but I do the nod thing quite a lot during my evening walks and bike rides. Just a nice acknowledgment that I see them and recognize their presence for that split second we pass each other. Sometimes I also add a smile, which might be tied for being one of the oldest most universal indicators of recognition. I seldom scream when passing people, but yes, a scream is also a very useful method of communication from pre-historic times, one has to think.

Nothing else comes to my mind as being quite as older or universal as a nod. I'm sure the finger came much much later!

thank you. I'll add the finger to my ponderings. lol. interesting, i was thinking of the "yes" and "no" aspects, but the "hidee" factor is in play too.

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