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pharmaceutical industry enter politics

1patriot 8 Sep 4

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You guys seem to have got this whole patriot thing wrong. See you are supposed to be patriotic and support your OWN country, NOT Russia.

your the one talking Russia....did your eye site go bad...i don't see Russia written any where in this post kevin!

Okay, if you were Putin and wanted to weaken America, how would you go about it? Well, all-out war is off the table because the US is far stronger and it's very expensive. But you can sow distrust and division. It helps if you have a useful stooge like Trump in power and that's why they helped him win in 2016. Next, you sow distrust in formally trusted institutions like the free press, DOJ, electoral system, intelligence services, judiciary and even its medical profession.
Ask yourself this. would Putin be happy or sad if more Americans died from COVID and the whole subject divided the country? or If everybody took whatever precautions that were deemed necessary and just got on with their lives?
I suggest you look at a guy who is Putin's mentor Alexander Dugin. It is all in his playbook.

@1patriot FYI spell-check and Grammarly are free to use and stop you from immediately coming across as an uneducated baffoon. (People will have to read what you say to ascertain that) And it's Kelvin not Kevin as in the unit of temperature they would have taught you in science class that you skipped along with English.

@273kelvin thanks kevin for useless reply

@1patriot I expected no less from Patridiot

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