3 13

So THAT'S what happened!!

TheoryNumber3 8 Sep 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Reminds me of the old joke, that Noah was getting worried about all the animal droppings building up on the ark. So prays to gawd and asks "Lord, what doth thou want me to do with this multitude of shit"
"And the Lord answered saying "Noah, sweepeth the multitude of crap over the right side of thy boat,"
And verily Noah did as the lord commanded, and swept all of the excrement over the right wing of his boat, and it came to pass that in 1492 Columbus did discover it again!


That was more than a lot


Aha! And not too many of those got sprinkled onto Hawaii! 🙂

Too many you say?
It's more than a lot

Lucky you! I'm just glad I don't live in Florida

@TheoryNumber3 Lucky you!!!

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