Max Blumenthal makes pertinent observation of the deposed Gabon autocrat:
And many Americans still think that the sun shines out of Obama & his party.
While we are at it let's go back in our history and attack somebody else. That seems to be a good method of solving our problems today. We can time travel our politicians and solve our energy problems as well. Remember that Trump has already said he could end the Ukriane war in one day and lots of people are wanting to put him on the ballot again. I would rather have my reality to be real to all of us, not just Truth Social nonsense.
isn't 3 men on the right hand side of the picture
@1patriot Michelle Robinson was born 1964 in Chicago. Her birth certificate is a female for all the pure unadulterated imbeciles who claim she's a man. Talking to you fuckface. She went to Princeton, Brown and Harvard so she is NOT an imbecile like you. I've had the pleasure to meet her. Trans are pretty obvious. I've never been fooled. She's a natural female. Don't be a fucking asshole!