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LINK Why Americans Hate Paying Taxes | The Problem with Jon Stewart - YouTube

Pointing out that people don't mind paying taxes in other countries... because they get value for what they pay.

snytiger6 9 Sep 17

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I don't mind paying taxes.. for just one example, i can see the people fixing roads with hot, hot, hot, smelly blacktop goo on Humid summer days and am Happy (in fact overjoyed!) to get it done by somebody


USA citizen happily traded, child, educational, medical and pension security for the right to be armed to the fucking teeth 24/7, to have laws that in effect allow them to hunt one another and for an education system that teaches only one thing the illusion that that they are the greatest country in the world because god was a white, American so everyone else is just for target practice on a person and national level.


The difference here is that most of our tax money, esp. to the fed government, goes to the military for endless wars of choice, as well as paying for weapons systems we never use in war, but that make huge profits for the defense contractors. The majority of the rest of our tax money to the feds, goes to corporate welfare for big business, who gets subsidized by the feds, and who also get out of paying their fair share of taxes, so we get robbed twice by the feds, when it comes to corporations and taxes. In those other countries, where they like paying taxes, all of the tax money goes to things that benefit the 99%, rather than the 1%, from the money going to the military complex and corporations...

Of course, many rich people will never like paying taxes, because they are selfish and greedy, as well as hating the idea that even a small amount of their tax money might actually go to helping people poorer than them, who they see as subhuman, and not deserving of any government help, because their being poor is, of course, completely their own damned fault, etc..


What a bunch of dickheads!
Sadly Australia is going the same way - infected by US stupidity.

I'd say they are infected with the same "culture of greed" that infected the U.S. It is allowing the excesses of capitalism to run wild and eliminating regulations to reign it in that is causing most societal problems. They fix the system so the rich stay rich no matter what, and make it harder to anyone to work their way up into the top 1%, and then blame the poor because they don't have any money.

@snytiger6 when you have developed a method of empowering the few through exploitation of the many as has been allowed particularly in the Vatican, England, Borneo, Saudi Arabia, Israel, the USA then it is not surprising that successful programme be imposed in a new country like Australia that for nearly 200 years imposed simple slavery on black FNP by legally determining that they were nothing more than non human beasts of the land.

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