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LINK The Annotated (Neutered) Version of Trump's Interview on Meet The Press - YouTube

This woman Juliet Jeske has a Twitter account "Decoding FoxNews". She does an amazing job. She reviews FoxNews so you don't have to. In this case she reviewed the interview by Kristen Welker with Trump.

barjoe 9 Sep 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Funny and sad sooo many fool fall for this crap. I once told a (former) friend, conservatives are soo stupid they don't even know what antifa means (and I doubt djt does either). He thought for a while and then asked, what does it mean? Duh, it means anti-fascist. What in the hell is the matter with people !?
I think if the DOJ is able to shut this guy up, he will wither and disappear from our thoughts.


This is FANTASTIC!!! I've never enjoyed one of his speeches more. 😊

Juliet is amazing. She has a Twitter page "Decoding Fox News"

@barjoe Damn, I hate Twitter, but she may be worth me checking it out. Thanks!

@barjoe ps - she is! I ended up watching quite a few of them.


But i have plans to go to Minneapolis to see the Arch!

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