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Sarcasm warning: It seems that the Russians are to be congratulated for containing the contamination of mother earth to concentrated areas by blowing up sheds where depleted uranium stockpiles criminally supplied by the US & its allies are stored thus preventing the use of the munitions against the Russians preventing genocide thus resulting in preventing the contamination of a greater area. Not once but 12 times!

Russian military destroys major Ukrainian ammo depot – MOD (VIDEOS) []

American taxpayers must be well relieved.

FrayedBear 9 Sep 27

Enjoy being online again!

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The stupidity of this is Ukrainian's were going to use this not only against Russians and other Ukrainians but use depleted uranium shells within Ukraine. The Ukraine they love and are fighting to get back eg spreading depleted uranium in their own home, the one their children will inherit. Not too much forethought.

puff Level 8 Sep 27, 2023

Thank you for your erudition. Lmao ROFL.


We made a deal with your Government to ship all our unsafe, depleted, and surplus old nuclear bombs to your Outback for eternal storage. Your Government admitted there is nothing there to be concerned about, and even suggested additional storage would be available near your Nursing Home.

We agreed to pay $1.00 annually for the storage.

That is almost true. Be careful alien you're showing earthlike characteristics.

Did no one mention Australian government senicide to you?

@FrayedBear No need to be careful when addressing you


I wonder, would not blowing up uranium stockpiles cause contamination?? Depleted or not, it remains radioactive unless the uranium naturally degrades to lead. I am not even close to a physicist, my knowledge is scant to non-existent, perhaps someone can shed light on the nuclear science ??

It will only be radioactive for a few billion more years (half life is 4 billion years) The decay daughters will continue to be radioactive for just as long.

Easier to clean up in a single spot rather than being spread across the most fertile land in Europe.

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