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LINK Trump allegedly discussed US nuclear subs with foreign national after leaving White House: Sources

Giving away military secrets is treason. Who knows what else was compromised? Let's face it; the likelihood he hasn't already revealed sensitive military info to Vladimir Putin is near zero.

barjoe 9 Oct 5

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When I Built the things ('73-'86) i had to sign a non-disclosure agreement that binds me for Life.


Well of course he did. Imagine what else he gave or blurted out to his rich hangers on. It amazes me that the truth about Trump is not obvious to many: that he hates America, and I don't care how many flags he hugs. Trump hates America because in his toxic mind it has stopped him from being the big billionaire oligarch he craves to be. Business people spurn him; banks won't lend money to him; people mock him. He hates America and wants to destroy it. There is nothing patriotic about Trump. His followers are as stupid as they look. His backers, like Bannon, are as hateful of America as he is. Trump is traitorous is the fullest sense of the word.

Very well said, David !!


“Allegedly” equals guilty to a retard.

@Esprit_de_Corp Allegedly doesn't in and of itself mean guilty, that's true. If he did compromise our submarine fleet, IF, it's treason and a violation of the espionage act. Only a very low IQ individual calls people "retards" BTW.


That’s just retarded.


There is no doubt that our military secrets have been compromised.
It blows my mind to know that there are a large number of people who believe Trump should be President.

Unity Level 7 Oct 6, 2023
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