I suppose because I do believe in "Source energy," or our "Higher selves." Since all energy is connected and we are part of the universe's energy, there is a often a feeling of something greater than ourselves, especially when we are out in nature.
It's a feeling of awe, peacefulness, of being loved absolutely.
But it is really just ourselves, mingled with the consciousness of everyone and everything else, who are also part of our energy, etc.
well, your believe are just as ridiculous as those religion believe in a god that they have not able to prove yet for thousand of years. Do remember what you believe in does not mean it is true. Instead of believe why don't you try to find out if it is even there.
@TuyTran888 I don't have to..I can prove it in myself. I've been able to do supernatural things all my life, born that way, as well as my sister mom, and many others I know. You are the one who has to prove it..I KNOW. But if you start to mock and troll me, I'll just block you. You're acting just like the alt-right.
I actually consider myself an atheist. Agnosticism is based on the fact that there's no evidence to prove or disprove the existence of a god. I don't believe that the lack of evidence to disprove is as meaningful as the lack of evidence to support the existence of god.
The burden of proof is on the believers. You cannot prove a negative. The default position should be skepticism. For those three reasons, I don't consider myself agnostic.
No reason to be religious.
So, do you blame theist to believe in god with no reason and evidence? They at least have reasons. but you are even worse than them.
@TuyTran888 Their (believers) "reasons" are based on false evidence, faulty reasoning and "magical thinking". Therefore, I have no reason to be religious. Do you really think it is worse to not be duped and misled?
@snytiger6 Ok, now you listed the reason why you do not believe in god. But your original you said NO REASON, Do aware of that, That was the point I was trying to made.
@snytiger6 See you do have reason why you do not believe in god, because their claim is false. How could you said You have NO REASON?
@DaneScott I know what he thinking. But how he put it was wrong. He does have a reason to why he not believe in god, because the evidence is lack, And yet he stated as he have no reason to. As an intelligence being, We do things with reason, When we doing without reason then we are being stupid, not using our brain, We need to learn to state our claim more correctly.
@DaneScott I do not assume the claim is true, In the case where I do not know what going on, I would not assume the claim is true or not. I would find out to see how true it is, then to claim it is true or not, and I claimed it is true or not I would have reason to it. In such case like god, the reason I would not believe it because of the all the reasons that people ditch out if flaw, too many illogical and no factual evidence it is base on feeling and imaginative and blindly believing.
@DaneScott Well, said. It is not up to me to the nonbeliever to prove a negative, but rather it is up to the believer to prove a reason for belief.
I think this person just like to be argumentative, and tries to put others on the defensive, even if only makign a mountain of of a mole hill..
I have beeter uses of myu tiem than to argue just for the sake of arguing.
I'll bet that is how Monty Python came up with this sketch.
Because I am, so I am, here I am. I have the power to choose who I want to be.
Do you know why you choose such way to be with the intelligence view to it?