WEF Professor Says We Need a ‘Mass Movement’ To Allow Pedophiles To Buy Kids for Sex
I would now allege, after very long and careful consideration, that ANYONE supporting the WEF & WHO, which are very highly regarded by the UN, or anyone who is aware of their agenda yet remains uncritical of them, is either a pervert, corrupt or a criminal of one type or another.
And I am not suicidal in anyway, never have been...These extremist radical sociopaths are trying to take over the world using the CLIMATE HOAX and PLANDEMICS as a political platform for a globalist dictatorship. That is completely out of the question. Next war should have ALL sides aiming their missiles at THEM.
ANY war that does NOT see them as the only enemy worth going after, is necessarily being manufactured by them as a distraction away from their crimes against humanity.
This is NOT Russian Disinformation.
Try to change my mind.
(Breaking news! Matthew Perry drowned in his swimming pool the day after tweeting that he has information that will put Hillary away for Life... He had also apparently attended the same school as Justin and had cleaned Justin's clock in a school yard fight...as well as in the acting world.)
Things that make you go Hmmm!?