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LINK How political campaigns raise millions through unwitting donors : The Indicator from Planet Money : NPR

(Follow article link to listen to 8 minute pod cast version of article.)

A lot of people have experienced some version of this: You sign up for the free one-week trial of some subscription service, only later to be surprised when you get a bill for the deluxe, forever plan. Or you log into a website once, and now your inbox is a flood of promotional emails. All because of a little pre-checked box tucked away, unnoticed.

But what if that pesky, pre-checked box cost you thousands of dollars?

On today's show, how some political campaigns used 'dark defaults' to raise millions of dollars from unsuspecting donors.

(It is by far republicans who use this tactic to raise money from unsuspecting donors.)

snytiger6 9 Nov 22

Enjoy being online again!

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I have things like this happen to me. I visited a website searching for "reputation defender" because I had heard or seen this somewhere. It turns out to be a new program by Norton. Later I got 2 phone calls about it simply because I was looking. I doubt that either of those 2 will call me again. 🙂

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