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New skirt I made.

New cotton skirt I made. Today I sewed down the vertical edges of the center section starting 2-1/2" below the waistband and down 12". I want the center section to stay put. It created a flattering flat front.

At Thanksgiving dinner the skirt annoyingly stuck to my tights. In the future I'll wear it with sleek pantyhose and boots or bare legs with sandals in summer. And a black top.

LiterateHiker 9 Nov 25

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You are very talented!


Thank you! The summer before we started 7th grade, my best friend's mother taught Jami and me to sew to keep us out of trouble. It worked.


I need to sew more. It relaxes me


Yes, sewing is absorbing. It's creative problem-solving that delights me with good results.


Very pretty. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Nov 25, 2023


Thank you!


Very nice! Exactly the style skirt I would wear back when I wore skirts. I use to sew and I did make myself a wool skirt in the same style as yours. I wore it a handful of times and finally gave it to the woman's shelter. You are very talented!
I don't wear skirts at all these days. I never liked skirts or dresses, even as a kid. In high school when they finally allowed us to wear pants I was in heaven!


Thank you, dear.


Looks real good. You should model it for us.


Beautiful! I'm a big fan of skirts and tops. So versatile in any season!


Thank you. dear!

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