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LINK What Your Myers-Briggs Type Says About Whether You’ll Take the Myers-Briggs Test - McSweeney’s Internet Tendency

Oh I live for satire against the MBTI .... live for it!!

INFJ: “The Unicorn” – You won’t need the test. You’ll simply close your eyes, align your consciousness with the universe, and sense that you are an INFJ, the rarest, most magical Myers-Briggs type. Then you’ll dissolve into moon dust.

evestrat 8 May 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Ugh.... Anyone who has a skeptical mind and read up on the research of this bogus test will know it's just a for-profit scam. It wasn't even created by real scientists anyway. I roll my eyes at anyone who puts credence in such "test results".


INTP develop a completely logical explanation of whu the result is total garbage, then go find out that you're in Ravenclaw.


Not sure... But my Belbin team type is 'Resource Investigator'


you will find it humorous that someone getting a higher degree made all the incoming freshmen at my med school take that test and see if there was a correlation to chosen specialty

@evestrat if it softens the blow it was almost 40 years ago. Dark ages


Myers-Briggs a bucket of bunk.


From one Unicorn to another: also INFJ, evestrat and proud mother of an INFJ, too.

I like the thought of someday dissolving into moon dust. Ahhhhhh....


Never took the test and I'm fine with that

@clarkems no idea what that means


Hey, I know the Myers-Briggs isn't hard science. And, honestly, might not be much more than this decade's version of "Hey, what sign are you?" But my Myers-Briggs type, ISTJ, has me pegged to a T.

vita Level 7 May 5, 2018

Mock away. It's just something to have fun with. I'm off to find out what Harry Potter house I am now.


ISTP: “The Mysterious Commitment-Phobe” – You’ll take the Myers-Briggs, answering every question as though you are Elvis.




I don't even remember what they were, but I had different results on two separate tests.



INTJ: “The Nerd Emperor” – Instead of taking the Myers-Briggs test, you’ll write a lengthy Medium post explaining why you refuse to take the Myers-Briggs test.


Absolutely hilarious and every bit as accurate! I am intj. Through and through.

Cheri Level 5 May 5, 2018
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