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Candle lighting ceremony for my late brother Lee.

My daughter Claire, 33, suggested we do this ceremony. We talked about Lee and our gratitude for him. I told stories about Lee and then we meditated together. I cried.

I set up photos of Lee on my music stand: fitting for our musical family. Six left-handed musicians. A picture of my beloved late mother is at the bottom of the display. Years ago Lee carved the wooden turtle to remind me to slow down.

Lee died of brain cancer at age 67 in February 2023. I miss him.

LiterateHiker 9 Dec 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Sorry to hear it.


I am so sorry for your loss. 😔💔


I'm a firm believer in setting aside some time to think about loved ones who have affected our lives in big ways or little ways. It's good to appreciate the values and passions we shared with the person, happy times, funny memories, challenges gone through together. I like to think that the good qualities of the person can be celebrated and perpetuated into the future so that those good qualities live on. (Negative qualities, well we try to learn from them.)


Your daughter is very wise.


My condolences.

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