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The shortest/darkest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere is less than 2 weeks away, (Dec. 21st) and then Ta Da!
I'm all smiles just thinking about it!!

annewimsey1 7 Dec 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Update, the days are Noticably longer and February just arrive today!!!!


Meh... spring time for me means the start of seasonal allergies, not especially something I look forward to. The pollen and I are at odds with each other.

But as you wish though... when that time rolls around I'll politely direct the pollen to your residence, lol.

Gee, thanks, I love everything I own having that chartreuse glow....

@annewimsey1 Sure thing, and as you could probably tell I'm in a most "generous" mood today, lol.


I like positive thought, it’s such a refreshing change around here, in the deep dark December days!


I can appreciate your thought for those who live in the "North", but for me it is the opposite. In S.E. Florida right now, the sun is out, temps today will be in the mid-70s and gorgeous. After 12/21, we move closer to longer days and hotter temps. I will keep more whining to myself.


Constant spring or summer is the best for me.


I'm heading to the Pacific Northwest for winter solstice and will spend those short dark days in the greater Seattle area. I remember every year living there and how I would perk up when the sun started getting closer, could feel it in my mood and energy level.


That is still four weeks to get back to the starting point. Sad, cold, dull wet and grey here. Not asking for sympathy just saying. Keep warm, and dream of sipping coffee outside in the sun.


I live in far West Texas, and we still had 70 and above degree weather here, finally had a cold front! I'm not ready for spring yet!

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