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After the great hullabaloo of alien others getting Trump elected I'm curious that no one isn't raising 59 shades of mayhem over this pamphlet currently doing the rounds:

Who is running America?

I'll leave it to others to provide the evidence or refute this poster:

FrayedBear 9 Jan 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Citing bullshit and then soliciting people to refute the bullshit is a dumb ploy. If you lived here you would see how utterly stupid your post is on many levels.

Alien, alien, alien when will you learn to read?
I ask for proof or refutation not as you suggest just one. The stupidity is your lack of cognition.

@FrayedBear What in my reply did YOU not grasp? We saw what you asked for, and my reply told you that posting bullshit requires no response.

It is your lack of cognition that is on display. Ask your nurse to be sure your take your meds.

@Alienbeing Alien. How would I know that it is bullshit? I do not live in USA. I've decided however that I can no tolerate your obscene presence now advocating Palestinian genocide in Gaza & so I am applying sanction & blocking you.

@FrayedBear You should be applying for stronger medications.


Ohferpetessake, a parrot would reject that paper as a cage liner......

You have proof one way or the other? If not don't waste everyone's time with your trailer trash comment.


This meme as posted is completely illegible, I had to go and find a larger copy in order to read it and discover just how much bullshit it is.
According to this, in order to be able to make even spuriously true, one has to believe that members of the US governement are Jews if
A) they are married to a Jew
B) Have Jewish grandchildren because their children married a female Jew
C) Work with a Jewish person
D) Are a "Crytojew" or are married to a "Cryptojew" or work with a "Cryptojew" a cryptojew being some one who is ALLEDGED to HAVE been Jewish or has Jewish ancestors at some point but claims not to be Jewish. SO basically ANYONE
E) Or were born Jewish, because their mother was Jewish but were raised to decide on their own faith or lack there of
F) or were sired by a Jewish father, but have never converted to Judaism
G) Or were once seen sort of looking a synagogue without spitting on it, or once went on Holiday to Jerusalem.

Utter bull rap, according to this I am Jewish. The only time in history that would have been true was under the German Nazi definition of a Jew because all eight of my Great Grandparents were not Aryan!

Thanks for the legibility advise, humour & logic Len.


My ex will be a dual citizen. Born in Kenya, she is also a naturalized USA citizen.

I once had a contact who held 3 passports - Br Guyana, British & Australian.

The worst of the opportunistic citizen hoppers of course has been Murdoch.


I recall discovering a few years ago that many US politicians were duel passport holders with Israel and being a bit shocked at how many. It was when all the stink in Australia was happening over duel citizenships, which is banned for our parliamentarians. Not allowed as it throws into question where your loyalties lie.

puff Level 8 Jan 20, 2024

Wasn’t there an Aussie politician who didn’t realise that she had kiwi citizenship too?

@Zealandia Would not have been duel citizenship, we don't need visa's between our countries so no point holding both passports/ citizenship. She may not have been an Aussie citizen, just long time resident. Dunno, can't recall the incident.
Same my work (Aust company) in Laos insisted my wife get a visa for Laos. But as a dual Aussie/ Thai citizen, she could go to Laos with just her Thai ID card, not even a passport. Could HR get it through their thick brains? No and I gave up trying in the end. When we did it at the immigration office in Vientiane, the Laos embassy even said "What you want a visa for? You are Thai." to my wife. I understand Thai/ Lao so In Lao, I said my work say I have to, Australian, they are crazy." Immigration just nodded in understanding 😀
They spent thousands getting a Laos visa for her Australian passport, which she never used as she was Thai, always entering Laos as a Thai.
NB Thai/ Laos have a no visa agreement like Aust/ NZ.

@puff I managed to locate the story, it was a few years ago, involving some joker called Barnaby Joyce:


That’s crazy re the visa situation for Laos vs Thailand. It’s what an Aussie mate of mine calls Rule Number One: Most people are stupid.

Did you know that kiwis have a temporary electronic visa attached to their passport when they visit Oz?

Special Category Visa

@Zealandia Yeah its just to keep track. Most countries have a VOA or Visa on Arrival, which isn't a real visa but allows you to legally stay for a period of time. Like the old cartoon, you clock in and out.
Barnaby Joyce, say no more.

@puff Yeah, I don’t think nz has a similar visa arrangement re Oz, hadn’t thought of other countries.

@puff BTW, my sister is technically eligible for three passports. She’s got uk/kiwi and could have gone for Oz. Couldn’t be bothered.

@Zealandia Yeah Kiwi's can come here, just need a passport and no criminal record (we used to insist on one 😉 ). No need to muck about with work permits. ASEAN has the same set up. Pretty sure NZ and the small Pacific island nations have visa free travel.
I worked NZ 2 years, over 50% of the time, on Aussie passport no probs. Pretty sure it goes both ways

@puff The ability for kiwis to settle in Oz has been relaxed recently, as opposed to working there.

Now Oz ships the kiwi crims back, they’re called 501’s after the section enabling their deportation.

Yes, looks like kiwis can travel to pacific islands visa free for holidays etc.

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