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LINK Jon Stewart's Beef With Chicago Deep Dish Pizza | The Daily Show - YouTube

Poking fun at Chicago "deep dish" pizza ...

snytiger6 9 Feb 4

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I grew up on a lake in Michigan with many Italian friends. Three generations living together in the same home.

In 1968 I tried Chicago deep dish pizza and it was wonderful! The sauce was delicious like it simmered all day on the back of the stove.

It looked nothing like the deep dish pizza on Jon's show. That looks disgusting.

Yeah, I thought the "deep dish" he pictured on his show didn't look right to me either. However, i grew up in Los Angeles, and have only lived in the West Coast states. I thought perhaps in Chicago that deep dish may be a deeper dish than what we had as "deep dish" in California. I guess, from your remarks, that isn't so.

I have visited Chicago, but it was only for a few hours as I was really visiting friends who moved to Rockfrord, IL.

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