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Your Atheist, Humanist, Free-thinking Man

Ladies, let's say you meet him here. Being together each day, what do you think you'd like most about him or your relationship?

SACatWalker 8 May 6

Enjoy being online again!

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People are not one size fits all, so that is an impossible question to answer. However, I'd like to think of it as teamwork, supporting each other, good conversations, sharing.


Someone I could talk freely and candidly with and be myself would be the plus to a free-thinking Humanist (Atheist, Agnostic, or just sort of disinterested in organized religion would be equally ok with me).


To be as engaged in any joint endeaver as I am. To be able to accept when I want to be left alone and not take it personally. To remember that any good relationship is a dance, we each contibute in different ways and those need to be nurtured and cherished. Even when one or the other is being an ass.


Same as any other man: kindness, good humor, enough of his own life so that we’d have some separate time, good, or at least be willing to learn, foot massage. Discuss, not fight. Make love, not war

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