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Is religion "hate crime"?

It sure seems like most of it should be, to me anyway. Promoting the idea that "WE are special", and everybody else either needs to be punished, or at least limited in their rights and access to public goods and services, fits the definition of hate pretty well.

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JustKip 7 May 6

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Your words fit the description of exactly what they are trying to pull off in America today. The Kock brothers and friends want America to be run like a Banana Republic so they can save bundles of money by ignoring EPA and other agency regulations while the New Apostolic Reformation comes in with others like Pence and DeVos to handle the religious aspect of it. The powers that be are paid handsomely to ignore rights violations while people everywhere are stirred up and religion is used as the catalyst to bind the people with the ruling party. Believers want their "Christian Nation" with god taught in schools while the Kock brothers and friends manufacture anything they want without penalty and no regard for you, your water, your food, or your land.
Will all of this limit your rights, your access to goods and services, etc. You damned right it will and I'm mad as hell about it!

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