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LINK Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: April 8 - YouTube

Axos bank, a company that deals mostly in car loans, has been subsidizing Trump for many years, and recently paid his bond for the fraud trial. Trump's lawyers lied about not being able to get the larger bond, even though the bank offered to do so.

The nature of the company is such that they expect a return on the money they spent.

Moving on the Dobbs decision that over ruled Roe vs Wade, also ended the legality of bodily autonomy and has far reaching international implications on marriage and LGBT rights.

Republican have sued to make sure students have to repay loans with high interest rates over and over again. When more and more Americans are becoming homeless due to an inability to pay their bills, their draconian actions on this is abhorrent.

snytiger6 9 Apr 9

Enjoy being online again!

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If I won the lottery, I would start the billionaire lottery. Yesterday...

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