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Well done Vietnamese prosecutors for successfully obtaining death penalty for Truong My Lan Real Estate Tycoon.

Truong My Lan stole the equivalent of 4.69% of Vietnam’s GDP in a decade-long embezzlement scheme
Real estate tycoon sentenced to death for fraud []

Perhaps they should offer their services to the Americans who are having similar problems with many of their politicians and business people.

FrayedBear 9 Apr 11

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And Trump ticks off yet another country where he dare not go on holiday


I am not a fan of state-sanctioned murder even for the most heinous crimes. I fail to see how the theft of property, however large warrants the taking of a life.

Having seen how such criminal behaviours result in natural deaths as well as suicides I have no sympathy for the perps.

@FrayedBear I too am reticent about the death penalty. I think that because there have been cases where persons were found to actually be innocent after they had been put put to death is a good reason why a life time in prison is better justified. Also, I think for those who are actually guilty, death lets them escape a life time of suffering.

In the above stated case, I think it would be a lot more punitive to put the criminal in prison for a lifetime of suffering in poverty in a small cell, than letting the prisoner escape a lifetime of punishment via death. For such a person, to have to live out a lifetime knowing others (those they wronged) are living better lives, while the prisoner suffers a lifetime of deprivation and poverty, I think is a more appropriate punishment for somebody who committed crimes to gain wealth.

@snytiger6 isn't that being cruel, like pulling the wings off a fly or cutting a dogs ears off?
I've currently got a campaign running to change the law that allows vets & others to order the removal of healthy uterus & ovaries of prepubescent dogs. . . They need oestrogen production at adulthood for a number of body functions. Many end up incontinent without expensive tablets the rest of their lives.

@FrayedBear "Having seen how such criminal behaviours result in natural deaths as well as suicides I have no sympathy for the perps."
So if your behaviour leads to natural deaths or suicide then it can be a capital offence? Okay what about drug dealers, should they face the death penalty? How about aspirin salesmen or tobacconists?
And if you can lose your life for committing large-scale theft, is there a sliding scale of state-sponsored violence leading up to the death penalty? Say stealing a car could get your hand chopped off like Saudi or do we go full Texan and cattle/horse theft are liable for lynching?
Maybe we can assume that all convicted thieves have de facto lost any claim to life, so we can deport them to some shit-hole on the other side of the world, with a life expectancy of less than a decade?

@273kelvin excellent ideas one and all Kelvin. . . Only I wouldn't give them a day let alone a decade.
And of course if it happens in Israel the body is likely to be robbed of the parts that can be used.

@FrayedBear All this bearing in mind that us two atheist, free-thinkers and talkers would last more than 5 mins in any country that surrounds Israel

@273kelvin and that's just from the probability of being killed by the murdering genocidal Jews.

@FrayedBear Yeah right, like I saw this US Uni protest "Lesbians For Hamas". Sure sisters, coz you would not hardly draw breath under Hamas before being crushed by rocks.

@273kelvin Don't recall seeing any reports of public stonings in Palestine apart from Palestinians protesting Jewish illegal occupation of their country.
By the way Kelvin I see that quite a number of your fuckwit reporters in the UK have been reporting the Bondi Junction murders & savage attacks to be the work of a Moslem terrorist. Do you know any Muslims called Joel Cauchi? Any Jews called Joel Cauchi?
Both Julia Hartley-Brewer & Paul Goulding made these assertions but have never mentioned israeli terrorism against Palestinian's, UN personnel & British troops for more than 75 years. Or the mossad assassinators roaming the world with impunity.

@FrayedBear Yeah because we all know just how benign and accepting fundamental Muslims are when they are in charge,

@273kelvin if true it pales into insignificance compared to the IRA behaviour & of course the IRA behaviour is mere trivia compared to Israeli atrocities the last 75+ years.

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