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Roland Martin makes some very astute comments regarding pro Palestinian protests in USA University campuses:

He failed however to point out that in offset of the few hundred Jewish hostages held by Hamas there some million+ Palestinians being detained in refugee camps in Gaza who are being starved & bombed to death!

FFS people why can't you get your heads out of the Jewish arses & face reality.

FrayedBear 9 May 5

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Same thing is happening in Australia on campus. Pro Zionist protesters attacking pro Palestinian protesters and the media is making it out like it is the other way around. Even the Jewish lobby is saying how they are against the pro Zionists.

For Zionist read jewish psychopaths. The sooner they are all lobotomised the better for humanity. They've been doing it to the poor strata of their kind for centuries let alone xtians & Moslems.


I am disgusted by all the news stations calling it "pro Palestinians protest" instead of "anti killing children protest" seriously....

Leetx Level 7 May 5, 2024

Simply start calling the news stations, Biden & cronies anti semitic genocidal pogrom & concentration camp advocates & enablers.

Palestinians are semitic ie. From Middle East.


Can we rip Murdoch news? What if Murdoch is the only one telling the truth. Does You Tube tell the truth? One thing is for certain. If the Palestinians are not defending themselves they might be dead. This man doing most of the talking is a very smart man.

Sadly the Palestinians have bugger all to defend themselves with.

A lot cleverer than Biden, Nutenyahu, Zelinski & his cronies.

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