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LINK Report: Trump Promised to Scrap Climate Laws if US Oil Bosses Donated $1 Billion – Mother Jones

It “certainly looks a lot like quid pro quo.”

Donald Trump dangled a brazen “deal” in front of some of the top US oil bosses last month, proposing that they give him $1 billion for his White House re-election campaign and vowing that once back in office he would instantly tear up Joe Biden’s environmental regulations and prevent any new ones, according to a bombshell new report.

According to the Washington Post, the former US president made his jaw-dropping pitch, which the paper described as “remarkably blunt and transactional,” at a dinner at his Mar-a-Lago home and club.

In front of more than 20 executives, including from Chevron, Exxon, and Occidental Petroleum, he promised to increase oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, remove hurdles to drilling in the Alaskan Arctic, and reverse new rules designed to cut car pollution. He would also overturn the Biden administration’s decision in January to pause new natural gas export permits which have been denounced as “climate bombs.”

snytiger6 9 May 11

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He has always been for sale to the highest bidder.

He will do anything to make money. Sell ugly ass gold sneakers, bibles, national top secret documentss...

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