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LINK Here’s what minimum wage would be if it kept up with inflation -- The Hill

(NEXSTAR) – While some localities have bumped minimum wages as high as $17, the federal minimum wage hasn’t budged in 15 years. The last time it was altered was in 2009, when it went from $6.55 to $7.25.

Since 2009, we’ve seen economic boom and bust, a global pandemic, and sky-high inflation, but through it all the federal minimum wage has held steady at $7.25. That’s still the minimum pay per hour in 20 states. In the other 30 states and several territories, minimum wage is higher.

In many of those states, the minimum wage is actually pegged to inflation, meaning it automatically adjusts every year as prices go up. What would happen if the federal government had done the same?
The states that raised their minimum wages in 2024

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, $7.25 in July 2009 (when the last wage hike took effect) is equal to $10.50 in March 2024 (the last month of available inflation numbers).

A minimum wage employee earning $7.25 an hour who is working full-time earns about $15,080 (which is just $20 more than the poverty level). That annual salary from 2009 would need to grow to around $21,870 today just to keep up with the rising cost of goods and services.

Even before the 2009 pay bump, the federal minimum wage was failing to keep up with inflation. For example, it was set at $2 in 1974. Adjusted for inflation, that would be $8.86 in 2009 and $12.85 today.
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Recent efforts to raise the federal minimum wage have stalled in Congress. Democrats made a push for a $15 base wage in 2021, but it was rejected in the Senate.

The highest minimum wage in the country is found in Tukwila, Washington, where large employers (with more than 500 workers) must pay at least $20.29. For states and territories, Washignton, D.C., pays best at a minimum of $17 an hour.

snytiger6 9 May 12

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They use their own statistics to calculate. Mark Twain was quoted "there are lies, dam lies and statistics". Many folks are wage slaves. Financial independence should be the thing one should strive for, instead of the spur of the moment crap many people foolishly spend their money on.

I had to take two statistics classes in order to get my degree. I did very well. However I was shocked to discover that about 90% of the class had no idea of how to properly apply them, or why they could only properly be used in a certain way. Most people in the class passed the course by just remembering the process the instructor gave to get the correct answer without ever understanding why using that process was important in order to get truthful and accurate results.

Calculating statistics is a long and tedious process. I am sure the majority of students who passed went on to do it incorrectly if they pursued a field where calculating statistics was necessary. I and sure it is those persons who do it incorrectly, yet are sure of their results, that Twain was referring to. If you don't understand the importance of doing it the correct way, you can easily tweak things to get desired, but wrong results.


What is disappointing is that they only calculate since 2009, the last time the federal minimum wage was increased. I'd like to see calculation from 1980, because 1981, with the inauguration of Reagan, is when republicans first declared war on the poor.

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