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LINK Tim Scott's Answer to Question on Accepting Election Results Met With Alarm -- Newsweek

Published May 05, 2024

Senator Tim Scott's response to a question about whether he would accept the results of the 2024 presidential election regardless of which party wins has raised eyebrows on social media on Sunday.

Former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican 2024 presidential nominee, has repeatedly said the 2020 election was stolen from him via widespread voter fraud despite those claims not being proven by substantial evidence. On Wednesday, Trump said in an interview with the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel that he believes he won Wisconsin in 2020, despite there being no evidence of this. President Joe Biden won the state by more than 20,000 votes.

Scott, a South Carolina Republican who has been floated as a potential vice presidential candidate for Trump, was pressed about Trump's election fraud claims during an interview on NBC News' Meet the Press on Sunday morning. Host Kristen Welker specifically asked if he would commit to accepting the 2024 election results, regardless of which party wins.

Notably, Scott voted to certify the 2020 presidential results and has previously said he does not believe the election was stolen.

"Will you commit to accepting the election results of 2024, bottom line?" Welker asked the senator.

"At the end of the day, the 47th president of the United States will be President Donald Trump. I'm excited to get back to lowering inflation, lower unemployment—," Scott said.

Welker then interjected, asking him if he will accept the results "no matter who wins."

"That is my statement," Scott said.

snytiger6 9 May 21

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The MAGA right will not accept the results of any election they lose in 2024. It's gonna make 2020 look quaint in comparison.


The entire Party is primed and has been stoking their MAGA followers not to accept any election outcome other than total Republican wins in every state, for every office. Sadly they have been working the past four years to be in positions to make that happen.

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