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LINK Nearly half of swing-state voters expect violence around election: Survey by Tara Suter - 05/22/24 -- The Hill

Nearly half of voters across a group of swing-states said they expect violence around the upcoming presidential election, according to a new poll.

The Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll asked voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, “How much do you trust each of the following — That the election and its aftermath will be free from violence.”

Thirty-one percent of respondents said “not much,” while 18 percent said “not at all.” Thirty-five percent said “some,” and those answering “a lot” equaled 16 percent.

The same poll also found that in a hypothetical match-up between former President Trump and President Biden, the swing-state voters went for Trump by 4 points, with Trump at 48 percent in the poll versus Biden’s 44 percent.

A recent poll from The New York Times found Trump ahead of Biden by 3 percentage points in Pennsylvania, 5 points in Michigan, 7 points in Arizona, 10 points in Georgia and 12 points in Nevada. Biden, however, beat Trump in Wisconsin by 2 points.

Biden won each of the six states in the 2020 election, but not by large amounts.

Voters will get to see Biden and Trump clash in person this summer, as they rapidly agreed to two debates last week, with one set for the end of June.

The Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll was conducted from May 7-13, with a sample of 4,962 registered voters from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and a margin of error of 1 percentage point.

snytiger6 9 May 25

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There is an organization in every state that recruits volunteers on election day to monitor polling places, before polls open we put out signs with a hot line to call, give instruction if asked on helping voters, and have a hotline we use, if Anything isn't right, even political signs too close to the voting area or too long lines.
I have done it for several elections now (i vote absentee as it is a Looong day).
There are Never enough volunteers, one year I put 423 miles on my car in the one day monitoring 8 spread-out places, ( just drove from one to another in a big circle with the magnetic sign on my car, checking in with local poll monitors in permanent places). Last election I only put on 231 miles....same # of places to monitor but differrnt part of the state, closer together. Then we go back and pick up the signs we put out after polling closes.
Election Protection is one such organization. You do get a Tshirt......


I’m not sure about violence, but I do believe many election officials and government overseers are already committed to overthrowing the legitimate vote outcome when Trump loses.


Violence around elections will very likely be Trump's most remembered legacy...

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