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Emotional Irish politician calls for a different answer to deal with Netanyahu. Sadly his solution holds no truck on this site. Perhaps I should write to him & advise him of lobotomy?.

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FrayedBear 9 June 4

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Indeed there are parallels between Northern Ireland during "the troubles," and Israel/Palestine today. But the similarity ends where the Irish Catholics finally gave up bombing civilians, opting instead for acceptance of the British presence in order to have peace. Can you imagine the Palestinians adopting a similar position? Their current chants of "from the river to the sea" do not indicate any desire for peace. And we do not hear Palestinian civilians denouncing Hamas for using them as human shields. No. They lay ALL the blame on Israel. Though they scream and suffer, Palestinians are all-in with Hamas. Alas, there is no end to these troubles on the horizon.

There is a huge difference between the Irish Catholics & the Palestinians - the Catholics got many of their demands met, the Palestinians are still under oppressive apartheid colonial rule, atrocities far worse than those endured by the Irish & now genocide. I don't recall the irish ever accusing the British of genocide apart from perhaps their disgusting failure to respond during the great potato famines 1845 - 52.

12,000 dead children in Gaza. If your enemy are civilians living in tents, you might be the bad guy

@Leetx Hey, I don't approve of what Israel is doing. I think they are way too willing to kill civilians. I think there should be no dropping of bombs. If they need to root out Hamas fighters, they should do it surgically, with boots on the ground. They would incur many more Israeli casualties that way, but also minimize Palestinian civilian ones. And they (the Israelis) would have broader support around the world. As it is, they're letting their extremist wing run the show, and they're shooting themselves in the foot.

@FrayedBear I don't recall the Irish Catholics ever pulling off a slaughter on the scale of October 7 either.

a slaughter on the scale of oct 7 does not compare to the 35,000 killed by Israel just saying @Flyingsaucesir

@Leetx It's all too much on both sides (Jewish and Moslem). And in the past, so-called Christians have done the same or worse. It's barbaric. That's what religion will do for you.

@Flyingsaucesir the worst single incident appears to be the Omagh bombing. A single car bomb undertaken by a splinter group of probably only a few [].
Oct 7 was undertaken by many more in retaliation for land theft, slaughter & torture of 100's of thousands of Palestinians by the Jews

@Flyingsaucesir, @Leetx the Jews started their barbarity & atrocities in 1948.

In order to believe that. You would have to think that people were actually LIVING there before the colonial powers set up the state of Israel. too bad there was no Oklahoma for them to do a "trail of tears" thing like in early America to relocate them to where they would be free and happy forever.... you know... like in Oklahoma <--- sarcasm @FrayedBear

@Leetx The area WAS pretty sparsely populated. But since 1948 the race has been on to have as many kids (to throw into the fight) as possible. Its multi-generational madness.

@Leetx, @FrayedBear Both sides are guilty. The Moslems gave the UN the finger, rejected partition, started a war over it. Unfortunately for them, the Jews happen to be better at fighting and they have prevailed in every major conflict. They keep the land won in battle, and expand their settlements in disputed territory. So the losers then resort to terrorist attacks on civilians. And the cycle repeats. A pox on both their houses.

very well said @Flyingsaucesir

@Flyingsaucesir no the Jews have been better armed & protected by the USA who have been serving their economic & hegemonic interests. The USA therefore is fully cognisant & complicit in the conflicts.

@Flyingsaucesir haven't got a chance against the Africans, the Indians & the Chinese

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