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So you think that your beliefs are not corrupted by deliberate propaganda ? Have a read of this explanation for Dummies as to how the NYT has just duped you over the slaughter by the IDF in the rescue of four hostages that resulted in the killing of at least 274 people in Gaza and the wounding of another 698 to free the 4 incredibly well fed clean healthy looking Jewish hostages that were supposedly rescued from Hamas after about 240 days!.

"the propaganda of the western empire is so much more effective than any other propaganda that has ever existed anywhere else: the inhabitants of the western empire have no idea they’re being propagandized." Caitlin Johnstone 09\06\2024

FrayedBear 9 June 9

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At lease Canada stopped funding Gaza lately. So it's not any of my business. Religious freaks , continue the endless hate and killing of each other. It helps to get rid of negative people and helps the environment on the optimistic side of things. Sorry Palestinians, we are all animals and nature is easier to understand, yet sometimes not justified.


I don't believe that the Israeli government is in any way worried about the hostages. They are very happy with the present situation.


Mew York Times duped me into slaughtering more than 230 Palestinians. How could I have done that and why did I fall for it?

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