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Spreading The Fiction Of An Antisemitism Epidemic On The Left

If you are helping to validate the completely fictional narrative that there is an epidemic of antisemitism on the political left, you are a facilitator of Israeli atrocities. You are helping the imperial war machine murder children.

Caitlin Johnstone
June 14, 2024


FrayedBear 9 June 14

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I'm not helping a war machine murder anyone. I'm also not making it up.

The State of Israel commits horrific war crimes, Anti-Semitism raises
The State of Israel murder children by starvation and drought , anti-Semitism rises
Anti-Semitism rises and the traditional perpetrators of Anti-Semitic bullshit decide not to blame Israel for what they are doing, nor themselves for supplying the weapons, equipment and finances to do it with, but instead blame socialism, and other left wingers for not being party to atrocity and not encouraging the sale of western armaments.
This is the narrative, these are facts

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