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An excellent appraisal of Putin's far Eastern trip encompassing N.Korea, Vietnam & China.

Patrick Lawrence logically comments on the Russian revelations of the achievements of the visit whilst roundly decrying the irrational Western propaganda falsely commenting on it.


Whilst Putin strives for the good of all outside of the western bloc that bloc continues to try to misinform of its intent & benefit in comparison to the detrimental effect of US hegemony in this world.

FrayedBear 9 June 26

Enjoy being online again!

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North America and Europe are in a decline.
Russia and China are not in a decline.

I wonder why?


Jesus Christ, will somebody save me!! Ahhh, maybe that was an answer in another forum.

I've just probably told you but your too indictrinated or stupid to realise.
As you invoke the equivalent of Winnie the Pooh with your cry to fictitious entity I take that your subconscious is a lot more intelligent than your conscious mind.

Putin will save you. Not Biden, Obama, Kennedy or Trump.

@FrayedBear Indictrinated? Now Putin will save me. I hope you know that many who will read this think you are finally showing your true colors.

@DenoPenno the only ones showing true colours are the barbaric Jews in Israel & yourself. Were you one of the American guards at Guantanamo bay prison.

Here's more evidence from the NYT & Al-Jazeera


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