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LINK InJOEHerent. UnintelliJOEble. It's JOEver. - YouTube

Joe Biden would lose a debate to a bowl of pudding. No matter how you feel about Trump or Biden, Joe lost this debate in the first few minutes. An embarrassment to the nation.

Tejas 8 June 28

Enjoy being online again!

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As a Progressive who believes "we the people" must include all of us I will vote blue. Trump lied and jumped around as usual and Biden was mumbling and weak.

Playing their lesser of two evils game is what they want. We will never be rid of this "two" (really one) party system if we don't take action against it. Biden has demonstrated he isn't fit to put on his own pants, much less lead a nation.

@Tejas True; the two parties are serving the ruling class, and your invective was a waste of time.

What action or actions “against it” do you recommend?

How will you recognize success or failure?

I think Biden might be intimidated by trump. He's a much better speaker when the a-hole isn't around. But I have to agree. Biden sounded old and frail, and what trump supporters respond to is power and strength and a never back down attitude.

@yvilletom I suggest not voting for the candidates being pushed by either party, maybe vote independent libertarian or candidates you may have come across in real life or word of mouth. There is a person who lost to a republican congressman in a district in Texas by only 400 votes here recently. So I believe it's worth keeping these turds on their toes. I don't believe insulting the status quo is a waste of time at all, in fact I see it as a necessary obligation.

@yvilletom What they recognize mostly, Tom, is a syphoning off of voters they want to go in another direction and I think this is mostly what it is about. We do not get the best interests of everyone by voting in a stupid way. 2024 has to be BLUE all the way or many of us will suffer. To think otherwise you have to be deaf, dumb, and blind.

I also note that many Canadians and Australians seem way too interested in American elections with a lot of them being Putin puppets.Why do they pretend and stir up trouble? I'm not giving a damn about their countries elections. Then we have a few who think the wrong side won in The Civil War. Hello! We the people means every one of us!


I am gearing up for Trump presidency.

Dumkopf !

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