2 10

yea, I'm kinda short and funny looking, but i make up for it by being real slow.

peace y'all.

(tails): Displays a torch with an olive branch to the left of it and an oak branch to the right. The torch signifies liberty, the olive branch peace, and the oak branch represents strength and independence.

copied from the mint.

10 cents worth.

hankster 9 July 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Ah! The dime. One of my best quitting a job used the dime. I was a cashier at a local hardware store in NJ. I was 19 and already had had 7 or 8 different jobs, all of which I quit. Most of them, over half, I quit because I was either being hit on or touched when I did not want to be touched. At the cashier job the store manager was this nasty little guy who always had to comment on my ass every time he walked past my station. Annoying but he never tried to touch me. I'd get him back when my Dad would come through my station with plumbing or other hardware and just not ring up some items. Anyway, one busy day I was chatting with the rent-a-cop on duty. He was a local cop I'd known since I was a kid, he told me a joke and I laughed. This happened just as the nasty manager was walking by.
Next thing I know I am called into the office, he is at his desk but there is the assistant manager there also, standing off to the side. Little nasty guy wants to know what I was laughing at, was I laughing at him? He goes on a rant about me/against me for about 3 minutes or more. He ends his denigrating rant with "girls like you are a dime a dozen." I pulled a dime outta my pocket tossed it on his desk with "here's a dime go find a dozen and fuck off, I quit." Now that may have been exactly what he wanted, no unemployment benefits for me but my sense of self is worth more than UE benefits. Besides by now I was well aware of the mine field the job market was for girls so I'd save money to get by until I found another job.


Nice design, and it has the real motto, "E Pluribus Unum. Out of many, one.” not the, "In god we trust" impostor on it.

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