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LINK Citing Ephesians 6:11 doesn't explain the Trump shooting -- Friendly Atheist

Christian conspiracy theorists are citing a Bible verse to explain why Trump survived. They haven't read their own book.

Jul 19, 2024

Over the past week, a number of Christian conspiracy theorists have looked to the Bible to explain why Donald Trump survived the assassination attempt against him. As if only God can explain why Trump merely had his ear grazed by a bullet instead of something far more lethal.

They’ve latched onto Ephesians 6:11, a verse in the New Testament, that reads “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

That verse was cited by Trump campaign Deputy Director of Communications Caroline Sunshine, whom I posted about yesterday, who said the bullet supposedly hit Trump at 6:11pm local time and therefore the verse represented “divine intervention.” She’s not alone. A number of MAGA cultists have latched onto the same idea, referring to the verse as “fucking amazing,” posting a drawing of an angel standing behind Trump (“WOAH!!!&rdquo😉, claiming the verse proves we saw a “miracle with our own eyes,” and insisting this means “there are no coincidences.” Republican Congressman Cory Mills told people to go read the verse “and you will understand exactly why he has been saved and why we continue to move forward.”

There’s even apparel endorsing this supposed link with profits going to help the family of the guy who was murdered by the would-be assassin’s bullets. (That feels like cold comfort, actually.)

(Follow above article link to view original article with photos/PDFs.)

In any case, none of these bothered looking anywhere else in the Bible.

They saw the verse they liked and they ran with it.

Because there’s really no reason to go to Ephesians to find the verse. In fact, there are other chapters and verses that fit the 6:11 description yet tell a very different story.

Why not the very first book of the Bible? Genesis 6:11 describes the world during the time of Noah: “Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence.”

Ezra 6:11 is all about how to build a temple for God and the consequences for screwing up the design plan: “… I decree that if anyone defies this edict, a beam is to be pulled from their house and they are to be impaled on it. And for this crime their house is to be made a pile of rubble.”

In Proverbs 6:11, Solomon explains that anyone who’s lazy will immediately experience poverty and scarcity. Those afflictions will infect the lazy as quickly as thieves and those with weapons: “… Poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man.”

In Jeremiah 6:11, God says clearly, “This city must be punished; it is filled with oppression.”

In Ezekiel 6:11, God says wicked people will die by the sword: “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Strike your hands together and stamp your feet and cry out ‘Alas!’ because of all the wicked and detestable practices of the people of Israel, for they will fall by the sword, famine and plague.”

Amos 6:11 is all about how God will punish disobedient Israelites: “For the Lord has given the command, and he will smash the great house into pieces and the small house into bits.”

And in Micah 6:11, we’re told God will punish the liars and cheaters because, after all, “Shall I acquit someone with dishonest scales, with a bag of false weights?”

Some online commentators have tried to justify pointing to Ephesians because Trump was shot at 6:11pm Eastern time. 6:11E! But there are other verses that could fit that description too, like I mentioned.

But this is how easy it is for conspiratorial Christians to cherry pick a verse from the Bible. Had Joe Biden been the target, they may be pointing to some of these other verses. If Trump was killed, same thing. There’s no rhyme or reason to any of it. But when you’re looking for any possible sign from God to explain a tragedy, you’ll grasp at anything.

I don’t begrudge people who so desperately want to find that meaning, but at the very least, it’s irresponsible for journalists to let Trump’s campaign staff get away with this explanation without any kind of pushback.

By the way, law enforcement officials have put a wrench in this whole theory anyway. According to them, the shooting occurred at 6:12.

Ephesians 6:12, in case you’re curious, is all about destroying evil leaders among us (and in the heavens): “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

snytiger6 9 July 20

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Citing Anything from the Babble is a complete waste of time.......

No really. It shows how dangerous it can be to pick and choose from that book. Knowledge is ammunition.

@Betty I am confident in my ability to quote dissenting info from the Babble when confronted with someone who seeks to bury me under their quotes.......


I still believe that Trump survived, because he was never in any real danger, and that the whole event was staged, in order to bring him sympathy and political benefit, even tho it appears they got sloppy this time, and left some holes in the official story, that the players have been scrambling to explain and cover up. The fact that one person was killed and two others wounded, does not mean it was not a fake attempt on Trump, as the people involved needed to have some casualties and collateral damage, in order to make it seem credible as a legit attempt on Trump. It's very telling, that we are still not hearing any details from the doc who examined and treated Trump at the hospital later, since I think it's very possible that he simply broke a blood capsule pack, on cue and as his people prepared him to do, on his face, right after the shots rang out. His whole behavior on stage seemed totally rehearsed and prepared, all for dramatic effect, instead of the shocked and hysterical sort that any normal, surprised person would exhibit.

I have a few questions myself. News reports found people who spotted the gun man half an hour before the shooting, but the secret service did nothing. Even right before the shooting a guy said he was shouting at the secret service that he spotted a gun man on the roof of a building, and they didn't respond. Then when I watched the video, Trump didn't go down until five shots went off, and it was because he was pulled down. I think he knew he wasn't in danger and wanted to portry himself as brave and tough. Having been pulled down, when they stood him up, he insisted on staying on the stage, pumping his fits and yelling "fight, fight, fight", rather than letting the secret service escort him away.

I have heard reports that he was hit by a bullet. Then it was he was hit by flying glass from a teleprompter that was hit by a bullet. His having been hit by anything may have just been accidental. I've also heard it theorized that he went down uninjured and came up bloody and that like a pro wrestler, he may have cut himself.

I expect there will be many conspiracy theories as to what actually happened. If Biden wins, we may actually get to find out. Otherwise, it will all be mired in political smoke and mirrors.


When the will is there you can justify just about anything. His supporter will do and say anything to promote him. No surprise.

Betty Level 8 July 20, 2024
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