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LINK TIME100 Health Event Your Local Epidemiologist

Fascinating read!! She talks about women's health, what needs to be done better. Please follow the link to read.

The summary: Bottom line
It’s not every day that scientists come up for air, dress up like Science Barbie, and hear about big ideas from outside our bubbles. I’ll never be able to process this crazy YLE journey fully, but it’s an honor to represent you and public health’s invisible shield.

Public health undoubtedly has our work cut out for us, and in a chaotic world, it’s hard to see progress and push for better. But the amount of heart, dedication, representation, empathy, and hunger in the health field gives me great hope for a better and healthier future.

Love, YLE

HippieChick58 9 July 22

Enjoy being online again!

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So many got burned out during COVID and around here the MAGA stupid were a nasty challenge to many in the medical profession.
I mean how did you deal with a patient that does not believe COVID is real and that the vaccine is a Democrat plot to kill Republicans and refuse to take it?
That fact that here in the U.S. medical schooling costs are just way too high how do we expect to fill the ranks?
And as far as women in all aspects of medicine are concerned we have a long way to go - imho. Don't even get me started on how black women are treated in medical profession.


Good read, thanks.


Yet more evidence our growing species is unable to sustain it's growth. Add to that the problems associated with an increasing number of people with different cultures and languages trying to get even basic health care in a time and place where even communication has become a problem.
My late partner once had a minor problem with her foot and no doctor here could give her a satisfactory answer so she went to Tijuana. There is a medical industry there that caters to people from the U.S. and Canada. Medical students travel there as the medical schools are cheaper (but they have to learn Spanish). In return these doctors assist the Mexican doctors in translating English into Spanish. This is a way to repay the country for their medical degree and get some experience. My partner and a friend spent a week there and stayed in a nice hotel and had a mini-vacation. It was a bit expensive but well worth the trip. Imagine the reverse scenario when people (often very poor) from all over the world come here and need medical help. It is impossible to understand all these languages and cultures which adds another level to being a doctor. The ratio of doctors to patients is falling and yet we continue to look for quick and easy fixes. Public health is having an impossible time keeping abreast of the issues of our time.

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