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UK PM recognises Palestine & Palestinians. USA now adrift with Germany in terms of support for Israel.

UK to restart funding to UNRWA.

FrayedBear 9 July 27

Enjoy being online again!

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God makes a horrible real estate broker.

He/she tends to fuck up a lot. Expect more from deities 😀


Aust, Canada and NZ just released a joint statement calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Good to see 5 eyes splintering. US and UK will be known as genocide enablers and excusers.

puff Level 8 July 27, 2024

Albenese is not far behind.

@FrayedBear More than behind. We should call him Boots. He is so far up America's arse it is all you can see of him.

@puff I hate to say but these lot, apart from Rudd, are making Keating look good.

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