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LINK Buttigieg: Voters now ‘concerned’ about Trump’s age against younger Harris -- The Hill

By Nick Robertson - 07/28/24

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg redirected criticism of Vice President Harris toward former President Trump on Sunday, remarking that voters are now concerned about Trump’s age and well-being now that he faces a much younger opponent in the presidential election.

Buttigieg clashed with “Fox News Sunday” host Shannon Bream over criticism that Harris kept quiet amid concerns about President Biden’s age and mental wellness in the weeks before he left the campaign.

“I’m pretty sure voters are worried about the age and acuity of President Trump compared to Kamala Harris, who represents being a generation younger,” Buttigieg said. “And how could anybody not watch the stuff he’s saying, the rambling on the trail, and not be just a little bit concerned?”

The secretary lauded Biden’s decision to leave the race, claiming that it’s now Republicans who are stuck with an aging candidate in Trump.

“We’ve also seen the fact that [Biden is] 10 years older than he was 10 years ago, but unlike Republicans, who in Trump’s personality cult take a look at Donald Trump and say he’s perfectly fine,” Buttigieg said. “Even though he seemed unable to tell the difference between Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi, even though he’s rambling about electrocuting sharks and Hannibal Lecter, even though he is clearly older and stranger than he was when America first got to know him.”

“They say [Trump is] as strong as an ox and leaps tall buildings in a single bound,” he continued. “We don’t have that kind of warped reality on our side.”

Buttigieg is believed to be on Harris’s vice presidential candidate shortlist. He has been a major surrogate of her campaign in the last week.

Democrats have quickly coalesced around Harris, with her campaign already gathering enough committed delegates to effectively lock up the party’s nomination. No other candidate has challenged Harris for the nomination, and her campaign has broken numerous fundraising records as it attempts to make up for a late start.

The Trump campaign hit back at Buttigieg’s comments in a statement to The Hill.

“It’s not about age, it’s about competence, and Kamala Harris has proven to be just as incompetent and ineffective as Joe Biden,” spokesperson Karoline Leavitt said. “President Trump is stronger than ever, as proven by his relentless work ethic and remarkable resolve following the gruesome attempt on his life. The American people trust President Trump to lead our nation back to greatness.”

snytiger6 9 July 28

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One doesn't want to imagine what a Vance presidency would look like.. Ugly doesn't begin to cover it.

(Revenge of the Incels??)

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