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after this recent "press conference", i was considering the possibility that, in light of the chumps upcoming chances of a political faceplant he may be preparing his faithful to remain so. he can lay blame around his campaign, and all the fixes against him, just like he's been crying all along, and enough of his disciples might hang around to sooth the bruised ego. some part of him may know he'll need this. it just seems like he's actively destroying his chances of winning the election.

hankster 9 Aug 8

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Never underestimate your opponent, he is still a formidable foe and should not be dismissed. We have to run in every state like we are 20 points behind and the ball is in our court. We all remember 2 years ago when his people got so over confident of their red wave that a good share stayed home. Don't ease off the gas until Nov 6th.

yeah i know, but......

what i was seeing.


He has a lot riding on this so I don't seem him tanking it intentionally. With the Supremes and a lot of electors in his pocket, and the momentum he still had until two weeks ago when he thought he had this sewn up, he probably thinks he has it covered. All I have to do is look at the comments on his posts to realize that the well-armed faithful will still absolutely do his psychotic, demented bidding to enforce his "win" which has been his plan all along.

I honestly think the thing that's hit him the hardest is the number of people who are laughing at him and calling him weird. He didn't give a shit about being called anything else - a pedophile, rapist, fraud, failure - but weird has hit some kind of nerve. I like the poetic justice of us taking him down by laughing at him.

your right, my wishful thinking got the best of me. maybe he'll drop dead.

@hankster That's a good thought to hold on to! I wish it every night. 😁

what i was seeing.

@hankster I hope they're right. I agree with just about all of that and he's clearly more demented as time goes by but he was always crazy. Even during his time in office he repeatedly talked about running against Obama instead of Hillary and other nonsense.

But I believe he's so convinced that he has the game rigged with criminal electors and voting suppression and so forth (and that may be true) that he doesn't believe he has to try all the boring nonsense that goes with campaigning, and no one seems to be talking about how to prevent that.

@Lauren im sure this time around everything will be monitored double closely. plus i think the slaughtering will be so thorough any questions will dissolve. i worry about his disciples acting out and needing some "clarification ". maybe he and they will move to north Korea, if they'll have him.


I am totally OK with him self-destructing. The more, the better. The greater the trouncing, the better the chances are to govern with a mandate and get things passed. Can you imagine government actually working for a change? And just maybe, the GOP will suffer a serious handicap that will sideline them for a decade or more (or forever).


His faithful MAGAts really really like his current performance. He’s just preaching to his choir. And, of course, he is counting on having the only six votes that will matter, SCOTUS.

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