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LINK Rachel Maddow New report aims to protect election certification from Trump subversion strategy - YouTube

(This is the Aug. 13th broadcast which had the nonworking video link, which I posted earlier a few days ago. The information is vitally important enough, that I took the time to find a working video to post it again.)

Report showing that Trump's people are behind project 2025, which Trump claims tohave no idea of who is behind it ... former Trump officials actually made Project 2025 "training videos" in anticipation of a Trump win.

Republicans plan to blcok certification of the vote, unless Trump actually wins. There have been some rehearsals on a local level (county level and also at the state level in some places), and they plan to put it into effect on a national level for the 2024 elections. They want to hamstring the electoral election count.

In some states like in Georgia, courts have ruled that, yes, county officials can decline to certify an election result, even if the election results are clear.

snytiger6 9 Aug 17

Enjoy being online again!

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But when are they going to call out SCOTUS and let them know that they should keep their hands off the election if they value their lives. Better yet, eliminate them before the election.

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