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I’m new. I guess I was looking for someone like me. I feel like I am continually judged for not being religious. I am single and feel like due to the fact that I am a non believer my pool of men significantly shrinks. A very attractive man was interested in me and than he wasn’t because I am not Christian. If they are supposed to be loving and forgiving why do I feel outcasted and shut out for not believing what they do. I feel outnumbered sometimes and I just want to cry. It makes no sense to me that I can be a really good person but being less excepted than someone whose a child molester Christian but they have repented. I am sick with the hypocrisy. I feel alone.

etruji29 5 Dec 10

Enjoy being online again!

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33 comments (26 - 33)

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Definitely not alone. It can be hard to be a freethinker, but no one ever said integrity was easy. Be true to yourself, and never settle for someone who can't respect that.

Liam Level 3 Jan 3, 2018

Im surprised to hear NM is liberal i just based my thought it was a red state coz as ive mentioned i was in arizona recently and its a very red state and ive come across a few people new mexico over the years and they were all fervent christians so i just guessed li was wondering about your familys religious background and beliefs. I was brought up in a non religious household and went to a secular school but i did go through a period in my mid teens when i guess i was looking for answers and i attended an evangelist church which funnily enough was were i began reading the bible and developed a deep interest in ancient history which spelled the death knell for my religious interest

New Mexico is quite liberal, specially Albuquerque. Although there are other cities that are very conservative, they are open and accepting.


I hope your feeling better now. I must say new mexico is a very conservative religious state have you always lived there

They are religious, but I feel it's more because of tradition. At least Albuquerque is very liberal.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet. Independence in women scares men who need control.

Marz Level 7 Dec 24, 2017

Well first of all you are not alone I've read many people saying the same thing as you have on this website I don't understand why you have feelings like that. I have never had a problem like that I was brought up in a nonreligious family. As I got older I classify myself as agnostic and that's what I would tell people and never seem to bother them. When I interact with people I try not to discuss religious viewpoints unless it is with another agnostic person. There are many people that believe in God and have no desire to go to a church and that is a not big concern for those people. They will accept you if your pleasant and honest. Anyway you're on this website now and we all respect you.

dc65 Level 7 Dec 22, 2017

yes that is true our pool of agnostic and atheist people is very small compared to the general population of the world but never give up human beings are very diversified in their thinking. I am a very small person so that even makes my pool of people much smaller because I'm searching for somebody my size or smaller, I am looking for agnostic atheist or freethinker with any interest in computers science and technology and creating art and other interesting things I am a very diverse person my current Interest is raising insects... There is a lot to learn and experience in this world I don't think I will live long enough to do all the things I want to do.. But it would be so much more fun to have a loving partner to do things together.

dc65 Level 7 Dec 22, 2017
0're religious?


I believe that there's a creator...and designed us perfectly to live a life to the fullest ...unfortunately there is this religion and superstition that divides us...and I believe that is what makes our lives miserable .....

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