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LINK In Washington state, atheists are more beloved than Republicans -- Friendly Atheist

A new survey finds that Washington residents are turned off by Republicans more than any other group

Sep 02, 2024

(Follow above article link to read full article.)

snytiger6 9 Sep 5

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It appears the target group are people in the Seattle metro area that covers Tacoma, WA north to the county right south of the Canadian border.
I live in the county that abuts King County to the east and is MAGA red, tho I have seen fewer campaign signs this election cycle. They are smart enough to know how stupid they look openly supporting tfg. That's just a guess, I do know their overall happy index is low. When talk radio and FOX took off in the late 1990s those media outlets were a huge hit over here and the rapidly growing real estate market was booming and the county commissioners were more than happy to listen to the developers and money people buying up rural land and senior water rights. Everyone was happy til the recession hit and then Obama gets elected - YIKES - these folks near lost their minds! But trump came along and they were happy! When he "won" the mood change was palpable. HOO BOY! are they not happy now, again a palpable sense when bunches of people are out and about, like at the Farmers Market. People are on edge around here, they believe the gloom and doom the GOP pushes will happen if the Democrats keep the WH.

Clark Country, (Vancouver area) has gotten more progressive as Portland has gotten to be more expensive and caused people to move to the other side of the river.

@snytiger6 I have noticed that, in fact I have looked at that area for low income senior housing. Not much there. I love Portland and I miss Seattle. I lived in Seattle for 20 years but allergies sent me over the hill as they say and I bought 10 acres near Cle Elum. Found I have a hay allergy lol! but since it only is an issue when they cut it it's easier to deal with than the damp over on the other side.

@silverotter11 I've always had mild allergies which caused post nasal drip, giving me sore throats and a headache each year. I started taking bee pollen supplements and it doesn't bother me so much anymore. There may be other factors at play though, so I can't be sure that was the solution.

@snytiger6 Two natural remedies for allergies are Nettle Pills and Quercetin. I often find my nose running while in the house. It's the usual dust mite issue and one of the surgical masks seems to clear things up.

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