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LINK Evangelical writer faces backlash after saying public schools might be worthwhile -- FRiendly Atheist

A Christianity Today editor made a religious case for sending kids to public schools. Readers couldn't handle it.

Sep 12, 2024

(Follow above article link to read full article.)

snytiger6 9 Sep 12

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Very good that questions were asked by several 'Christians.' One the author of the article and the other the family. Who knows, with the begging of questioning maybe more will will come and we'll have a couple of new members on this site.


The decline in how our system works and how to work within in it began when Civics ceased to be taught and accelerated when tax dollars could be used for religious schools.

So far the paying for private religious schools is a hard sell in many areas. In today's "Freethought Today' were a couple of articles in Oklahoma and Lousyana about such a move being stopped. Charter schools are another matter as many are not religious in nature.
I agree with you on things like civics (people have not learned how to do basic voting which is a huge problem. I know I worked in a polling station for 5 years before we went to mail-in ballots. The questions we were asked were really stupid.

The cuts to civics courses in schools started back when Ronald Reagan was president. People who don't understand how government actually works can be more easily manipulated. So, republicans have cut civics requirements in public education. It has created the far right, religious right, and MAGA crowd, who has very little understanding of how government actually works, who are easily manipulated into voting against their own best interests.

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