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How Israeli Jews are indoctrinated from birth to be psychopathic monsters when it comes to non Jews particularly Arab Palestinians. He also explains how everyone blinded by Jewish propaganda can become "sighted" & enlightened. Why don't you do yourself a favour & listen so that you can become enlightened?

I don't know who he is but he explains very clearly that for Palestinians "existence is resistance" & "production of culture is an act of war".


FrayedBear 9 Sep 16

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Wow, sounds Exactly like the stuff the Nazis used to justify killing Jews by the millions.
Oh, and seizing their assets.

Why "shame"? You obviously think that the inculcation of inhumane practice that turns people into psychopaths is to be admired & encouraged!
What a joke. 😱😯🤮

I note claims are made by Harris that migrants have sacked an American city & are claimed to have been eating others pets. . . Indoctrination of people like you?

Where are the 1000 holocaust Hollywood films and tons of crocodile trail of tears. For the nonreligious, Chinese, Russian, Christians groups who in deaths in greater numbers than Jews. And where they came from eastern block European,not Palestine. Why not Zionist report it all to amnesty International. Oh forgot , amnesty and a 1/2 dozen other humanitarian organizations are calling them out for genocide on Palestinian. Don't call Muslims Nazis because 1.5 million died fighting Nazis. Wail the real jews and Muslims lived peaceful in Palestie,before Zionist raped and piliaged. .

Zionist are the new 96% white supremist and their Nazis like action with greater tonnage of bombs dropped on Palestinians than in world war two combimed, evidence all caught on film. Of course American suppling them 80% of those bombs. Only 290, 000 American died in world war 2. Meanwhile 27 million Russian died and American still claim we would all be speaking German if it wasn't for those brave American, Better not fight the Russians because the USA has 1/10 the soilder than they had in world war 2. The largest ethics group in America are Germans, better case to call them Nazis, and still trying to own the whole world.


When it become about the basic things in life. When they tell us it's complicated, It's not.
Just simplified, simplified, simplified.


Not many here who don't know that already really.

That's not the impression that I get from the lack of responses or ad hominem replies that I receive.

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